Remember carrying photos of your family in your wallet or purse. Most photos are now located on the phone, but it can take lots of time sorting through them to see the ones you love.Family Pictures makes it easy to have your loved ones viewable and quickly accessible. Besides that you can have it load whenever your phone is turned on or unlocked. Family Pictures provides a means for you to tag your most favorite pictures so that you can view them without always having to sift through hundreds of pictures to see them. Once your pictures have been selected, Family Pictures run a slideshow displaying your pictures at speeds you select. Load a few to remember your loved ones, or load as many as you like.Family Pictures does not copy photos from your phone, but it saves each picture’s location, which saves space. The first picture in the list is reserved for your spouse or favorite loved one. Family Pictures provides a means for that picture to be delayed longer than the rest of the slides, giving you a longer look at your loved one. Family Pictures provides a means for you to rearrange the pictures you have selected, so you can easily add them to the list, rearranging them later. You can easily close the application so you can continue doing what you wanted, yet it is quickly available for viewing.Parents and grandparents, load the application up with your favorite shots of the kids and easily show then to your friends at the restaurant.